Whenever I visit New York I make time to go to the United Nations building. In fact, it has become something of a pilgrimage.
I do it because it reminds me of what is important in this World; the inherent dignity of all human beings and their right to live in freedom, peace and justice.
All the killings, bombings, drone attacks, wars and violence make my pilgrimage all the more poignant this year.
Peace inside the UN
Just inside the entrance stands a magnificent life-size bronze statue of Nelson Mandala; arms wide open, almost as if embracing everyone who enters.
Further inside, is something I really needed to see. It’s a yellow painting of a dove with the words: “Peace begins with me” (featured at the top of this blog).
Peace begins with each and every one of us
It does you know. The creation of peace begins with each and every one of us. Consider this: As human beings with science, religion and philosophy we learn more about the wonder of all creation and actually become the voice of that creation, not to mention peace.
In other words, we are giving voice to the billions of years since the Big Bang. The creation of planets and stars all the way down to the tiniest living organism. That makes us special far beyond the warlike creatures we can be.
I know this has been said in many different ways before; I think of the weary world that emerged out of World War II. Not to mention the tired leaders who never wanted to see such death and destruction again. I fear we are forgetting those lessons. If we do, we are doomed to repeat them.
Choose peace
So, it’s up to me and you. Yes, you reading this blog and me sitting here inside the UN building.
It’s time for us all to do peace, not just talk about it.
Thank you Rev Bill, I absolutely concur with your views. I am often miffed about why we all can’t just be content to co-exist on the planet. Just let everyone live in harmony. I am not sure why some people feel the need to oppress and be cruel to others.
Here, here to your desire for all of us to get onboard and actively promote peace, rather than just talking about it in our corridors.
God Bless you Arndria. I will make sure you get invited to all our efforts regarding international peace. God bless, Bill
Peace starts with everyone of us
Your words couldn’t be more deeply felt
Like wild fire freedom in every aspect
Long for active peace and harmony
God bless you and thank you for those words, Bill.
The Christians of the Iona community believe in ‘justice, love and peace’. And forgiveness- and that justice and peace are brothers. Lest we forget- the pain and heartbreak of warfare- the world is as it is, but let’s aim for progress.
Amen to that! God bless Bill